TSBC License # LEL0205347
OKV Electric
Okanagan Valey Electric Services

4 Tips for Teaching Kids Electrical Safety

June 8th 2021

At OKV Electric in Vernon, we care about your family’s safety. We provide residential electrical services throughout the Okanagan, and while we know all about how to work safely with electricity, your children may not. Electricity can be harmful, so teaching our kids electrical safety should be a priority. Here are four tips on teaching kids about electrical hazards and how to avoid them.

    1. Have conversations. Children often understand way more than we give them credit for. If talking about electricity – its value and its hazards – is part of regular conversation, the information is more likely to sink in over time.
        a. Tell them that electricity can cause burns and even death. While you don’t want to frighten them, emphasizing that the danger is real may be important in order for them to take you seriously.
        b. Show them how electrical plugs work and explain why it’s dangerous to insert anything into electrical outlets other than what they are designed for. Even after having the conversation, unused outlets should still have plastic covers just in case.
        c. Explain the importance of keeping metal objects out of toasters.
        d. Describe how electricity comes from outside lines into our homes and explain the hazards of coming into contact with those lines. Emphasize the importance of staying far away from any downed lines.
        e. Let them know that electricity and water are a dangerous combination.
        f. Be prepared to answer questions and don’t be shy about admitting when you don’t know the answers. Look them up together and have fun learning about electricity.

    2. Watch videos. If the sound of your voice isn’t keeping their attention, consider sitting down together to watch a few safety videos. There are many valuable resources online to help teach kids how to avoid electrical hazards. Search YouTube for “Electrical Safety Tips for Kids” and be sure to watch with them so you can answer any questions. Who knows? Maybe you’ll learn something new, too. Do your children like The Magic School Bus television show? If so, search up the episode, “The Magic School Bus Gets Charged” and learn about how electricity works together.

    3. Read books together. For younger children, reading books about electrical safety together is a great way to pass on important knowledge while also getting in some quality time. A few suggestions are: Oscar and the Bird by Geoff Waring, The Hair-Raising Kite Flight by Hedley Griffin, The Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen.

    4. Establish rules. It’s great to give our children options, but when it comes to safety don’t be afraid to lay down the law.
        a. Never put fingers or objects into outlets.
        b. Never use electronics near water or with wet hands.
        c. Don’t yank on cords when unplugging.
        d. Never fly kites or operate drones near power lines.
        e. Ask an adult for help when using new electronic devices.

We know how much you love our kids and want to keep them safe. We feel the same way about ours, but we know we won’t always be right there watching every move. Taking time to teach them electrical safety will help keep them safe when we’re not around. If your home has an electrical hazard that needs to be fixed, let OKV Electric help. Call us today for electrical repairs or service.